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Andrew Cairns

Andrew CairnsAndrew Cairns is Professor of Financial Mathematics at Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh.

He is well known both in the UK and internationally for his research in financial risk management for pension plans and life insurers. These interests in the assessment of financial risk have led to further research in the field of financial mathematics. Within this field he has developed a new model for bond-price dynamics for use in the measurement and management of long-term interest-rate risks in pensions and life insurance. More recently he has been working on the modelling of longevity risk: how this can be modelled, measured and priced, and how it can be transferred to the financial markets. Amongst his work in this field, he has developed a number of new and innovative stochastic mortality models.

He is an active member of the UK and international actuarial profession in both research and education: he qualified as a Fellow of the Faculty of Actuaries in 1993; since 1996 he has been editor of the leading international actuarial journal ASTIN Bulletin - The Journal of the International Actuarial Association and has been editor-in-chief since 2005; and in 2005 he was elected as a corresponding member of the Swiss Association of Actuaries.

In 2008 he was awarded the Halmstad Prize for his paper Pricing Death:
Frameworks for the Valuation and Securitization of Mortality Risk co-authored with David Blake and Kevin Dowd.

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